

Charlene Nicoll

Newly pregnant?

If you are pregnant and want to continue with the pregnancy, you should contact the booking bureau to commence your antenatal care. Your first midwife appointment (pre-booking) should be before 10 weeks.

Booking bureau contact Details

Monday – Friday 8.15am – 12.30pm

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 01324 567146

Ask for a booking appointment with the midwife.                          

During the pre-booking appointment your midwife will take your medical, social and pregnancy history and make a plan for your antenatal care. She will then organise a further appointment for your first scan which will confirm your due date; this scan usually takes place between 11-13 weeks.

If you are undecided about continuing with your pregnancy or wish to discuss it further there are other options available, it is important to seek advice as soon as possible. Speak to the GP or contact Central Sexual Health for help and advice.

If you have concerns about your pregnancy

Early pregnancy bleeding or abdominal pain (6-14 weeks gestation)

The early pregnancy service (EPAS) at is open Monday to Friday 8.00am – 2.30pm.

Phone: 01324 567119

Further information about the Early Pregnancy Service (EPAS).

Concerns in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Speak to your midwife or call the maternity triage.

The maternity triage department remains open 24 hours a day 7 days a week and we encourage women in labour to contact them on 01324 567098.

Your midwife will provide advice and support during the antenatal period and for the first 10 days after delivery. They will monitor your pregnancy with increasingly frequent assessments as the pregnancy progresses.

For further information on pregnancy follow the links;