Consent to release Medical Information to a Nominated Person

If you wish your medical information to be released to someone else, such as a relative please complete this form and send it to the Practice.

Data Protection and Confidentiality

The principles of confidentiality and data protection do not diminish if the patient identifies a “person” to obtain medical information about them.  Written permission (whenever possible) needs to be obtained before any identifiable details can be entered into a medical record.   

  • Consent must be obtained from both parties (where reasonable and practicable) before any medical conditions, treatments, prognosis, and results and needs for support and/or assistance can be discussed.  If permission is not granted then information can only be released at the GPs discretion.
  • Consent must be reconfirmed at regular intervals and for new conditions/developments. It cannot be assumed that consent to discuss a condition is transferable to others.
  • Practice and attached staff can accept information about a patient from a 3rd party and act on it.  They cannot however “report back” to the 3rd party.